A commitment to Resilience and Independence

We have no butter… but I ask you, would you rather have butter or guns? Preparedness makes us powerful. Butter merely makes us fat. -Hermann Goring
A passion for creating self-reliance and safety
Available for limited professional consulting services catering to a unique clientele, ranging from homeowners to commercial organizations.
Food Planning and Storage
Experience the fusion of experience and expertise with building tailored solutions for your specific needs while avoiding mistakes learned from others lessons.
Communications Guidance
Offering an intro into Amateur Radio focused on your defined goals around required licensing and purchasing recommendations.
Firearm Consulting and Training
As a former FFL, NRA rifle and safety instructor, Project Appleseed instructor and USRA instructor, we can assess and build your skills and offer guidance into the best solutions tailored to your needs.
Location Opportunity and Threat Analysis
Determining whether to evacuate (bug-out) or shelter in place depends on many factors. Lets work together to build a comprehensive plan to assess the risks of each strategy and review what is the best plan of action.
Skill Building
We periodically hold skill building and knowledge sharing with like minded individuals to develop critical skills we need in crisis situations from survival, fire techniques, medical information, and real-world experiences.
Continuous Support
Many people have a life changing event and then rapidly become overwhelmed at the scope of deficiencies and cost of preparation. It is important to remember that it is a journey, not a overnight event. Prepare now and reach out to start today.

“If you say it will never happen, you have to be right every day, but I only have to be right once!”
-Dennis Kulikowski
Current Situation Report
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